The PCS Mission
To train leaders who are able to learn, think, and act in ways that will bring glory to God. PCS aims to accomplish our mission by providing an education that is both Classical and Christian.
PCS Great Hall
In order to accommodate our entire school at important events like graduation, as well as provide a place for our sports teams and theater, we kicked off the Great Hall Capital Campaign in 2018. The construction was completed in early 2021. The estimated cost to build this new facility was $2.5 million. We successfully met our initial campaign goal of $1 million by May 2019. Due to the success of our new Legacy of Giving Campaign and monthly giving from generous donors, we have already cut the life of our loan in half. If you have any questions about how to set up a monthly donation, or how to join our Legacy of Giving Campaign, please email capitalcampaign@providenceclassical.org.