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Uniform Title

PCS Dress Standards

To order uniforms from Dennis Uniforms, Educational Outfitters, or Lands' End Uniforms, select the appropriate link at the bottom of this page. Dennis Uniforms and Educational Outfitters have local stores available. However, items with logos must be ordered online. Please allow 3 weeks for items with logos to be delivered.


PCS requires all students to wear an approved school uniform.  The purpose of a school uniform is to:


  • Instill Biblical modesty

  • Inspire a sense of virtue and honor

  • Promote unity within the community

  • Develop a sense of identity with the school

  • Avoid attracting undue attention

  • Abate the pressure of materialism



  • Boys General Appearance:

    • Hair

      • Hair should not be dyed or colored.

      • In front, hair length can be no longer than the top of the eyebrows.

      • In back, hair length can be no longer than to the top of a regular shirt collar. 

      • On sides, bottom of earlobes has to be visible.

    • Facial Hair

      • Faces must be clean-shaven with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear.

  • Girls General Appearance:

    • Hair

      • Hair should only be dyed or colored a natural hair color.

    • Hair accessories

      • Hair accessories should be solid navy, red, or white or the PCS plaid.

    • Make-up

      • If worn, should appear natural.

For visuals on our uniforms, please select the button below:

Girls Everyday

Girls Dress

Boys Everyday

Boys Dress

Girls and Boys PE Uniform

Hanes clothing options can be purchased at,, and

Dress Code Variations for Seniors

PCS seniors are allowed professional dress variations to the standard dress code. The purpose of this dress code expansion is to distinguish the unique leadership role that the senior class should fulfill and to prepare the seniors for college and the work world.

The dress code variations are to be consistent with the overall dress guidelines. Approved guidelines for these dress modifications are:

  • Students will use discretion and err on the side of caution,

  • Clothing will represent business and professional attire that will not bring undue attention to the student,

  • Senior dress code variations will be self-policing with assistance from high school faculty.


For the purposes of this policy, "business professional dress" will consist of:

  • Dress pants and a collared shirt or sweater for boys.

  • Appropriate length dresses, skirts, and modest tops for girls. Pants are not allowed.

  • No denim material.

  • No printed t-shirts.

Students will model their attire after the dress of the PCS faculty.


Students have the option of the official PCS dress uniform.

Appropriate Dress for Teachers and Parent Volunteers

All teachers, administrators, office personnel, substitute teachers, etc. will serve as role models of all adult Christians to the students. Therefore, the appearance and dress of staff members is to always be given serious attention. Maturity and modesty in dress, appearance, and overall behavior is required.

Jeans of any color, dirty or torn clothing, capris/shorts, tennis shoes, flip-flops, and similar casual apparel are not to be worn unless required for a field trip of a nature that would damage good clothing.


Women should dress professionally: skirts, dresses, or two-piece pants suits. Men are encouraged to wear dress slacks and dress shirt. Ties and jackets are encouraged, but not necessary. Hair, including facial, should be neat and clean.

Appropriate Dress for

Field Trips

Teachers will give instruction on appropriate dress for students to ensure that the dress practically matches the activities planned. 

The following guidelines allow consistency among students and teachers. It also allows students and teachers to find his/her class easily when among large groups of people.

The attire for students and teachers on casual field trips will be navy pants or blue jeans (clean, free of tears, with no embellishments), red shirt, t-shirt or sweatshirt (with or without PCS logo, but with no other writing or symbols); a red jacket may be worn if needed.

The attire for students on field trips that require more formal attire will be regular school uniforms directed by the teacher. The attire for teachers on field trips that require more formal attire will be adherence to the regular staff dress code.

Link for ordering online:

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