Frequently Asked Questions
How long has the school met at the East Clinton Street building?
In July 2013, Providence Classical School purchased the East Clinton Street School building in historic Old Town Huntsville. The property has been used exclusively as a school site since 1823. The current building was built in 1938 and affords PCS ample space for its current and future student body. The 2013-2014 school year was the first in our new home.
What grades are offered at PCS?
PCS offers grades K-12.
How are students graded at PCS?
PCS uses the traditional grading scale of A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), and F (69 or below). We do not have a “D” grade. Kindergarten students do not receive numerical grades until second semester. Parents receive graded papers every two weeks as well as mid-term grades. Report cards are sent home every nine weeks.
What kind of lunch program do you offer?
K-12th grade students bring lunches that need no refrigeration or microwaving.
Does PCS maintain a high academic standard?
Our curriculum, supported by the classical approach to education, provides the student with tools to achieve. The character training employed at home and school affords our teachers the ability to focus on teaching. This combination sets a standard of excellence that is routinely met by our students.
Do PCS students receive instruction in art, music and physical education?
Yes, all PCS students take PE twice a week. Students have a mix of art and music classes throughout. High school students have a drama presentation every year.
Do PCS students participate in standardized testing programs?
Yes, 4th through 8th grade students take the Educational Record Bureau (ERB)/Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) every spring.
What extra-curricular activities are offered by PCS?
The Journalism Club produces a hard-back, full-color yearbook and contributes to the school newsletter. The Drama Club performs a classic stage production each spring. High school students have the opportunity to serve on Student Council, attend an annual leadership conference, and facilitate many other student-led events. Other favorite PCS traditions include a school-wide ice skating event, homecoming celebrations during "Knights Week," and many other seasonal activities throughout the year.
What sports are offered by PCS?
The PCS Knights teams include varsity and junior varsity boys' basketball, varsity boys' soccer, girls' soccer, and girls' volleyball as well as and cross country, track and field, archery, and golf for boys and girls. These sports are offered for students in grades 7 and higher. Please see the Athletics Section for more information on our sports program.
What are the class sizes at PCS?
PCS strives to maintain small class sizes with generally 12-15 students per teacher for kindergarten through second grade and 20 students per teacher for third through twelfth grade.
How are discipline issues handled?
School administration, teachers and parents work together and support one another in training students. Most issues are handled in the classroom by the teacher. Detailed information about the school’s discipline policy is found in the PCS Handbook.
What are the expectations for the Monday and Wednesday Home Instruction Days in grades K-2?
These days are a significant part of the student’s education. Classroom teachers provide lesson plans to parents and build upon the home instruction on the in-class days. Parents can expect to spend two to three hours on kindergarten lessons and three to five hours on first and second grade lessons.
What is PCS policy on homework?
Students have homework to practice concepts in skill subjects such as math and in other subjects when appropriate. Our handbook provides details on recommended times for daily homework ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on grade level. In elementary grades, homework is not usually assigned over the weekend or during holiday or vacation periods.
How does PCS view parental commitment?
Ultimately, parents are responsible for the way in which their children are educated and, at PCS, we recognize the great responsibility that has been entrusted to us. The foundation of family is very important to the community environment at PCS. Parents work with teachers and administrators to support the school and ensure its smooth operation. To that end, both parents are actively involved in the process.
What parental responsibilities are expected by PCS?
One parent in each family is required to serve the equivalent of one school day per week in support of the school. There are several Dads' Work Days through the year where fathers help with school repairs and maintenance. See PCS Family Requirements.
Is PCS associated with a denomination or area church?
PCS is a distinctly Christian institution that is committed to educating children with a biblical worldview. It is a ministry of Christ Church of Old Town, but our doctrine is not affiliated with any specific denomination. Our families attend more than 45 different Protestant and evangelical churches around Huntsville. PCS requires that both parents be professing Christians, active in their local churches.
Who makes the governing decisions for PCS?
The PCS School Board is responsible for the governing policies of PCS. The principal makes day-to-day decisions, guided by the policies set forth by the board and stated in the PCS handbook.
Is PCS accredited by any agency or organization?
PCS maintains membership in the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS), the Alabama Christian Education Association (ACEA) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
Are all PCS teachers certified?
All full-time teachers hold teacher certification from ACSI. All of our teachers are specifically trained in classical and Christian education methods and routinely complete continuing education courses. For a listing of all our teachers, please go to the Faculty page.